Stretching is an essential component of any endurance runner’s training regimen. Not only does it increase flexibility and range of motion, but it also helps prevent injuries. In this article, we will discuss the best stretching routine for endurance runners and dive into the importance of each stretch. Additionally, we will provide detailed descriptions on …

A goal without a plan is just a wish
Everything starts from an idea. It pop-ups in your mind like the best thing that you have thought ever. It is a pure intention, that pushes you to do everything to make it happen. After this adrenaline moment, you have to deal with reality and understand that to reach that dream you need to: Set …

Your power
I wrote a quick post yesterday about how I imagined a new, better way to help my clients get lean and toned as fast as possible. Before I tell you more about this method and my programs, I want to talk about the power each of us have, including you. This power is so …

You don’t have to be extreme, just consistent
You don’t have to be extreme, just consistent. You can’t expect to succeed if you only put in work on the days you feel like it. Here is a plan, follow it consistently and you will start seeing results. Day 1 Warm-up 100 x jump rope 10 x sideways shuffle 20 x jumping jacks Repeat …

Workout finisher #4
3 min burpee AMRAP Do as many rounds as possible for 3min: 3 x burpees 10 x sit ups Repeat for 3 minutes. When to use this workout finisher: Since you’ll be doing only 3 burpees at a time, this one won’t push you into intolerable pain. It gets tough after a while, but before you know …

Workout finisher #3- Power AMRAP
Squat, clean to press for 3 minutes without any rest. See how many rounds you can complete. Suggested weight: Beginner: Dumbbells- 10 to 25lb (5-12kg) Intermediate: Barbell-M: 65 to 95lb (35kg-55kg) ;F 35 to 65lb (16-35kg) Advanced: M: 155lbs (80kg); F: 105lbs (55kg). When to use this workout finisher This finisher can be great addition to …

Free Lean Body Activate Workout Program
The Lean Body Activate is a workout program designed to get you fitter and leaner in less time. By signing up you’ll receive a complete program to help you shred fat and tone faster than ever before. It is totally free for a limited time only. The program includes 3-days per week fat burn workouts …

The Lean Body Fast Lane is almost closed
Just a quick post letting you know that I’m closing enrollment to the LeanBodyFastLane program at 23h00 CAT. If you act today, you can still experience the fast lane to a fit, toned and healthy body. I can give you a road map, so that you stop hitting dead ends or getting lost on back …

24hrs to get on the Lean Body Fastlane
Just 24hrs and 2 out of 10 spots left in the LeanbodyFastlane program! These spots will go quickly, so if this is for you, you really need to get in contact with me ASAP. Here is a reminder of what the Leanbodyfastlane is, and more importantly, what the first 10 founding members will get: Bonus for …

Only 3 days left to join the LeanBodyFastlane! And only 4 spots left! Like I’ve said before, I can only work with 10 people at a time effectively. This unique program is designed with the sole purpose of putting you on the fast lane to a lean body. No more detours and slow downs. …
Get off the slow lane and jump on the fast lane to get lean and toned!
Get off the slow lane and jump on the fast lane! REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: LeanBodyfastLane App. Work with me to get your dream body. Today I want to tell you more about my LeanBodyFastLane. This program is designed to help you achieve your dream body. It is created to turn you into the leanest, fittest …

The Lean Body Fastlane
I love to listen to music or audibles while running. It helps silence my mind. Makes me stop thinking about the daily things like taking care of the kids; going to the shops to buy food; dinner; work; pandemic; etc etc. Once I’m properly warmed up and my mind feels clear I would take out …

14 Day Fitness Challenge and you’re Invited!
It’s challenge time and you’re invited. We’re kicking this 14 Day fitness challenge of on 3 May 2021 and the challenge will run until 16 May 2021 absolutely free. The purpose of this challenge is to take your current fitness level to the next level! Plan ahead: You will be sweaty after each challenge and …

A daily full body stretch routine
I am not one who like to spend too much time stretching, but I do have a short routine which I aim to do two or three times a week. This, together with dynamic warm-ups and functional resistance training, has kept me injury free for many years. But every so often, even though you …

Start the week with a Plan and start your day with drive!
“Start the year with goals, start the week with a plan, start the day with drive.” “Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek” – Mario Andretti. Here …
Three day per week muscle building workout for athletes
This three-day hypotrophy workout is designed to make you look as good as you perform. Who is this for? It is for those of us who wants to look good, but not at the cost of losing athletic ability. If you have been training long enough, you’d know that looking fit and being fit, is …

Watch out for Day 3!
Here is your program for this week. Watch out for day 3! It is tough but like all my programs you will get through it and afterwards feel amazing and super pumped because you did it!! You will be proud that you got through it, which is good for your confidence and just what you …

All you need is…… a PLAN!!
All you need is a plan. And I am here to provide that for you….. Every week I will prepare 3 x training programs which you can do at home, outdoors or at the gym. Please note this is for intermediate and advanced fitness levels. If you are starting with your fitness journey and would …