app LeanBodyFastLane

The Lean Body Fastlane

I love to listen to music or audibles while running.  It helps silence my mind. Makes me stop thinking about the daily things like taking care of the kids; going to the shops to buy food; dinner; work; pandemic;  etc etc.

Once I’m properly warmed up and my mind feels clear I would take out the earphones to just enjoy  the silence or nature sounds around me. 

At this time, I would still have thoughts , but it would feel like it passes through me. I would merely observe the thoughts, like random phrases or sounds floating through me, unattached from me, not invoking emotions. 

This mindless phase passes at some stage and I would start thinking again. But the thinking would be  different then. Much clearer, positive. I would be in a state of gratitude and endless possibilities.

Instead of seeing the restrictions and obstacles that hold us back  I would see solutions. I would realize that it is indeed true-  If we can dream it, we can achieve it. 

Yes, running can be some sort of meditation, and also a way to consciously dream, without the normal interruptions from your task-driven, restrictive and protective conscious mind.


Conscious dreaming , by the way,  is not the same as wishing. Dreaming is seeing the end result and realizing that if you stay focused on this vision, if you imagine it vividly,  if you  just know it is possible, it will come true. 


Once you have this vision, the path will be available to you, even though you may not see every step and every little detail. 

You only need to know the next step and the bigger picture. Why? Because you can not know what you haven’t experienced. 

It was during one of these runs that I found a better way to help my clients reach their goals. 

I have worked with thousands of people, online and in person. My methods work well, very well, but I am always looking to improve. 

I imagined what I wanted for my clients to experience. How I want them to feel and look as a result of training with me. 

Only once I was able to imagine the end result, while in a state where obstacles do not exist,  was I able to get out of my own way and start creating a full package on a brand new platform that is basically guaranteed to get results. Fast.

You can experience the fast lane to a fit, lean and healthy body. 


I can give you a road map, so that you stop hitting dead ends or getting lost on back roads, and instead take the fast lane to a dream body that you can be proud of.

And once you are in the fast lane for a while, it is easy to stay there. 

I know  what works. And now I know how to best apply and present it  to you.  There is no program like this. 

I’ve been working hard to make this the best program anyone can get. I know it will work for you, But I can only effectively help a few people at a time. 

If you are interested in claiming one of the 10 spots available, comment below with:  LeanBodyFastlane

I can’t wait to tell you more. But it will have to wait until the next post tomorrow.



Lerentia Strydom

One of Melbourne's top personal trainers and founder of the Strydom Method. She has dedicated her professional life to find the absolute best way of training. Lerentia has helped thousands' to get healthier, fitter and leaner than ever before.

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