When was the last time that you got up on a Monday morning feeling on top of the world?  Ready for the day and really looking forward to your workout?

I love it when I wake up on a Monday morning, rested and ready for the day.

I approached the Monday Madness program with a “Bring it on” attitude.  My already sore legs is a sign that I am going to regret it tomorrow.


Here is the workout and I hope you are shouting: “Bring it on!”

Warm up:

5- 10 minutes running or cycling


  1. 15 x squats

20 x air squats

15 x squat jumps

20 x lunges (total)

Repeat 3 times


  1. Set timer 30 seconds work and 30 seconds rest intervals for a total of 4 rounds:
  1. 30 seconds frog jumps and rest 30 seconds.

Repeat 4 times


  1. 30 seconds jump lunges and rest 30 seconds.

Repeat 4 times


  1. 30 seconds burpees and rest 30 seconds.

Repeat 4 times.



Round 1: 45 seconds: 2 squat pulses and 1 jump

15 seconds: shoulder press


Round 2: 30 seconds: 2 squat pulses and 1 jump

30 seconds: shoulder press


Round 3: 15 seconds: 2 squat pulses and 1 jump

45 seconds: shoulder press



Tabata: set timer 20 seconds and 10 seconds intervals for a total of 8 rounds:

20 sec one leg burpees (L), 10 sec rest.

** next round R leg, then L again. You will do 4 rounds with each leg.


30 seconds plank

20 x jack knives

20 x bicycle

Repeat x 3

Lerentia Strydom

One of Melbourne's top personal trainers and founder of the Strydom Method. She has dedicated her professional life to find the absolute best way of training. Lerentia has helped thousands' to get healthier, fitter and leaner than ever before.

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