articles cardio fit

Are you serious? Here is another Monday Workout?

I usually design the Monday Workout about a week in advance. Then I shut my book and forget about the workout. So Monday mornings are always a surprise for me.  Today when I opened my book I felt like the goat in the photo…… “are you serious?”.  How will I get through all of this?

If you have ever done one of my workouts you will know by now that it always seems impossible to get it done but you’ll also know the feeling afterwards once you got through it!  You feel amazing and so proud that you are able to do it.

Look at this workout, and I know you will think the same.  Are you serious?  Do you really expect me to do this??  But give it a go!  Work your way through, rest as needed and feel AWESOME afterwards. It may be hard to believe, but there is a method to this madness. Just do it and you will reap the benefits!

Here is the Workout:

Warm up:  5-6 minutes bicycle or running.

Work from number 1 – 7.

  1. 50 step up (each leg)
  2. 25 x push up burpees
  3. 10 x broad jumps

10 x squat jumps

10 x burpees

  1. 1 x 400 m (Beginners and intermediate) and 800m (advanced) – if you don’t have space do 150 jump rope and 50 steps (advanced repeat x 2)
  2. 200 x mountain climbers (each leg)
  3. 200 x steps (each leg)
  4. 200 x jump rope


Repeat number 3 and 4



10 step up L and R

50 steps   (total)

30 mountain climbers (total)

Repeat x 3



20 x jack knives

20 x bicycles

30 sec elbow plank

Repeat 3 x


Lerentia Strydom

One of Melbourne's top personal trainers and founder of the Strydom Method. She has dedicated her professional life to find the absolute best way of training. Lerentia has helped thousands' to get healthier, fitter and leaner than ever before.

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