articles cardio exercise getting fit

A workout fit for a queen…… NOT!

Today was Queens Birthday Holiday in Melbourne. I love Public Holidays, it only means one thing for me. Training!! I love the gym because it is so quiet, even driving to the gym is a breeze, no traffic.  And not to mention the coffee afterwards! So no traffic + quiet gym + coffee = AWESOME DAY!


Like the title of the post, a workout fit for a queen…… NOT!  Is so true,  I can not even imagine a queen  doing this workout.  However, anyone with active gear and a towel and willing to work hard can do this workout.  It is a great start to your week.  Remember, never miss a Monday!!!

Here is the workout Fit for a Queen….. NOT!

Warm up:  8 min jog or cycle


  1. 20 -15 -10 – 5

First round do 20 reps of each exercise, then 15, then 10 and then 5 reps.

  1. Jumping jacks
  2. Star jumps
  3. Plank jacks


  1. 30 x push ups with 2 hop ins

Count the push ups


  1. 200 m sprint (or 100 jump rope and 50 steps)

10 x Star jumps

Repeat number 3 x 3 


  1. Tabata: set timer (gymboss) 20 seconds and 10 seconds intervals for 8 rounds.

Squats – advanced do squat jumps


  1. 30 x decline push ups


  1. 200 m sprint ( or 100 jump rope and 50 steps – total)

10 x burpees

Repeat number 6 x 3 


  1. Tabata: gymboss – 20 seconds and 10 seconds intervals for 8 rounds

Lunges – advanced do jump lunges



5 x box jumps or broad jumps

20 x jumping jacks

Repeat for 4 minutes



15 x sprinter sit up

15 x reverse crunches

15 x flutter kicks

15 x crunches

Repeat 3 times

Lerentia Strydom

One of Melbourne's top personal trainers and founder of the Strydom Method. She has dedicated her professional life to find the absolute best way of training. Lerentia has helped thousands' to get healthier, fitter and leaner than ever before.

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