
This workout is one for the Books!

Every now and again there is a workout that I like to call  “one for the books”, meaning this is a workout to remember.  It is hard while you do  it, you have to push hard and dig deep to get through it.  And tomorrow you will feel it! It’s that kind off  workout whenever you come across it you will remember where you did it, who was with you and even the clothes you had on.

Did I mention how hungry you will be all day long after this workout.  Make sure to eat only healthy food and drink lots of water.

Here is your Monday workout to remember:

Warm up:  6- 8 minutes jog or bicycle



Download gymboss on your phone and set your timer 20 seconds on and 10 seconds of for 8 rounds.

Tabata (20 seconds : 10 seconds intervals for 8 rounds= total 4 minutes)

Mountain climbers / sprint shuttle runs of 15 m

Push ups

First 20 seconds you do mountain climbers, rest 10 seconds, 20 seconds push ups, rest 10 seconds and repeat.

***Remember to push as hard as you can with the 20 second work interval***



6 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes)

25 x DB squats

25 x shoulder press

25 x DB lunges (total)

25 x Burpees

Repeat for 6 minutes.




Mountain climbers / sprint shuttle runs of 15 m

Push ups

The same as no. 1.



7 Min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) Beginners: 30 reps

Intermediate 40 reps and advanced 50 reps

  1. Squat jumps
  2. Upright rows
  3. Jump lunges
  4. Jumping jacks

Repeat for 7 minutes



5 minutes AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

  1. Sprint 30 m or 150 x jump rope
  2. 8 x 10 mountain climbers (each leg) plus burpee. (count the burpees)
  3. Sprint 30 m or 150 x jump rope
  4. 8 x push ups

Repeat for 5 minutes





First 20 seconds do burpees, rest 10 seconds, 20 seconds squats, rest 10 seconds and repeat.


4 Minute AMRAP

100 x jump rope

10 x sit ups

5 x burpees

Repeat for 4 minutes



  1. Burpee (repeat for 2 x 20 seconds)
  2. Sprint (repeat for 2 x 20 seconds) or jump rope
  3. Squat (repeat for 2 x 20 seconds)
  4. Push ups (repeat for 2 x 20 seconds)

ABS: 20 – 15 -10

jack knives



First round do 20 reps, then 15 then 10 reps.


Leave a comment and let me know how it  goes!


Remember it all starts with fitness!


Lerentia Strydom

One of Melbourne's top personal trainers and founder of the Strydom Method. She has dedicated her professional life to find the absolute best way of training. Lerentia has helped thousands' to get healthier, fitter and leaner than ever before.

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