If you are anything like me you will always accept a challenge when it comes your way. Last week a good friend of mine challenged me to do a “Barry’s Bootcamp” workout with him.
My friend Nick is a member at a Gym I used to do personal and group fitness training. This is a person that trains 5:15 in the morning (summer, winter, rain or hail) always pushing harder and never complains about any exercise. He loves a challenge and I really enjoy designing programs for people like Nick. He is a great running buddy and the first challenge he posed to me was to run 5 km under 20 minutes on the treadmill.
Off course I took on that challenge. We were both disgusted with our first attempt in February this year (21:45 was our time). Promising ourselves that we will get better and run faster. I wasn’t specifically training for running at this time but still, I expect and cross train to be fit enough to always be able to run close to 4 min per km.
One month later he send me a photo of his time on the treadmill, it was under 20 minutes. I knew he was waiting for my photo of proof….. So I had to do it! It was my first time ever that I ran 5km under 20 minutes (19:55) on a treadmill!! I am so grateful for his 5km challenge because it got me back into running. I found my happy place again here in Melbourne. Our next challenge is 10km under 40 minutes on the treadmill and then outside.
So that was in March this year and we have not run or trained together, until Friday!! As soon as I accepted the “Barry Bootcamp” workout I knew it’s going to be tough. Number one I am usually the one designing the workout and number two I knew he is going to push me out of my comfort zone.
Thursday afternoon I started to get nervous, silly I know, it is just a workout with a friend. But I can’t help it. What if I can’t keep up, what if he is disappointed, what if I am not really as fit as I like to think I am…….?
The workout was so good I have to share it!
Here it is:
Warm up: part of the program
Block 1:
3 min run base pace (speed at 14.0 km/h)
1 min run on speed 15 km/h
1 min run on base (14)
1 min run on speed (16)
1 min run on base (14)
1 min run on speed (17)
1 min run on base (14)
Block 1:
1 min snatch and reverse lunge
1 min kettlebell swings
1 min weighted crunches
Repeat one more round
Block 2:
2 min base pace (speed 14)
1 min speed on 15 and incline on 3
1 min base on 14
1 min speed on 16 and incline on 6
1 min base on 14
1 min speed on 17 and incline on 9 (KILLER!!)
1 min base on 14
Block 2:
1 min push ups
1 min goblet squat
1 min Bicep curl and shoulder press
Repeat one more round
Block 3:
2 min base on 14
1 min speed on 16
1 min base on 14
1 min speed on 18
1 min base on 14
1 min speed on 20 (Another killer!)
1 min base on 14
Block 3:
1 min broad jumps
1 min one arm rows (L)
1 min weighted jack knives
Repeat one more round (do one arm rows with R arm in the second round)

It was a tough one! But we did it! I Loved it!
Stay tuned for our next challenge.
Remember it all starts with fitness!