Today was Queens Birthday Holiday in Melbourne. I love Public Holidays, it only means one thing for me. Training!! I love the gym because it is so quiet, even driving to the gym is a breeze, no traffic. And not to mention the coffee afterwards! So no traffic + quiet gym + coffee = AWESOME DAY!
Like the title of the post, a workout fit for a queen…… NOT! Is so true, I can not even imagine a queen doing this workout. However, anyone with active gear and a towel and willing to work hard can do this workout. It is a great start to your week. Remember, never miss a Monday!!!
Here is the workout Fit for a Queen….. NOT!
Warm up: 8 min jog or cycle
- 20 -15 -10 – 5
First round do 20 reps of each exercise, then 15, then 10 and then 5 reps.
Count the push ups
10 x Star jumps
Repeat number 3 x 3
- Tabata: set timer (gymboss) 20 seconds and 10 seconds intervals for 8 rounds.
Squats – advanced do squat jumps
- 30 x decline push ups
- 200 m sprint ( or 100 jump rope and 50 steps – total)
10 x burpees
Repeat number 6 x 3
- Tabata: gymboss – 20 seconds and 10 seconds intervals for 8 rounds
Lunges – advanced do jump lunges
5 x box jumps or broad jumps
Repeat for 4 minutes
15 x sprinter sit up
15 x reverse crunches
15 x flutter kicks
15 x crunches
Repeat 3 times