Today is a rest day. Rest means to stay busy with activities that does not strain your muscles or fatigue you unnecessary. Don’t just sit or lie around the whole day. Move frequently. Do light stretches. Just stand up and move your body. Sitting makes us old and weak. Workout: Walk 1 mile. Yes, walk. …
5 Week Body Weight Workout- Day 3
Day 3 Warm-up: Jog 400m. No space, do day 2 warm-up. Workout: Run 1 mile hard. RPE 8. I no space: Jump rope 1o min or stationary bike hard pedal for 8 min. RPE 8 from start to finish. Push yourself close to VO2 max. Cool down: Walk 1 mile. Don’t jog, walk! It takes …
5 Week Body Weight Workout- Day 2
Day 1 Warm-up 10 x squats 8x reverse lunges each leg 25 x jumping jacks 25 x butt-kicks Repeat 1 more time. Workout: 21 Burpees Run 200m or if no space jump rope/stationary bike for 2 min at RPE 8 15 Burpees Run 200m or if no space jump rope/stationary bike for 2 min at …
5 Week Body Weight Fitness Program-Day 1
Day 1 Warm-up 10 x squats 8x reverse lunges each leg 25 x jumping jacks 25 x butt-kicks Repeat 1 more time. Workout: 20 squats Sprint 200m or if no space sprint in place for 30 sec Repeat for a total of 5 rounds Cool down: Walk 1 mile or 1.6km. No space, do jump rope/pretend …

Workout finisher #2
Workout finisher #2 This is workout finisher #2 from my complete list of workout finishers 3 Min Power AMRAP Squat clean and press for 3 minutes without any rest. See how many rounds you can complete. Suggested weight: Beginner: Dumbbells: 5-12 kg Intermediate: Barbell- Male: 35 kg – 55 kg. Female- 16 kg – 25 …

Do you need plyometrics exercises?
Simple movements with lots of benefits: Plyometrics refers to “jump training” and includes dynamic movements, not just up and down but also side to side and twisting back and forth. Plyometric movements are designed to improve coordination as well as strength and speed. These exercises are the perfect combination of stability, mobility, strength, power and …

Burpee variations to mix up your training
Burpee Variations to mix up your training There is only one move that is king of the body weight exercises. Only one that leaves no major muscle group untouched. As a trainer it is my favorite exercise to turn any workout into a great, come back for more kind of workout. That is the …

Functional workout
How much functional training are you doing? Functional training got its beginning in the physical rehabilitation field and was created by physical therapists to improve patient recovery after injury or disability. Specific exercises were developed to help patient regain function and return to activities of daily living. Form this start, functional training has been embraced …

Full body conditioning finisher
3 Minute Full body conditioning AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) Finisher #1 Set a timer for 3 min and do as many rounds as possible. 5 x burpees 10 x mountain climbers (each leg) 5 x squat jumps A Finisher is an intense exercise or series of exercises performed at the end of …

Here is your Monday workout!
A few weeks ago I have changed my training routine. I used to rest on a Monday, due to family, work and house chores. The last 4 weeks I am resting on a Thursday, and the change is amazing. I have much more energy to do my runs over weekend, which I am grateful for …

Is exercise more important than diet?
Why exercise and not diet, should be your focus. Whether your goal is to lose weight, look better, be happier or to be healthier, two of the most important lifestyle factors you should focus on are diet and exercise. Some people prefer to focus on diet while others like to eat more or less what …

That time of the week again! Monday Madness
It is that time of the week again!! Are you ready for another crazy workout to start your week. This workout will definitely test for your fitness. After all it is 100 x push ups, 200 x squats and 4 km of running (if you are doing the running part of the program)!! I have …

Five bodyweight exercises which build noticeable muscle
A few years ago a good friend came to me with a request to help him build muscle. He used to participate in many different sports which kept him relatively fit with ease. At this time he was in his late thirties and as life goes, business was taking up most of his time. Golf …

Monday Madness
The Crazy Monday workout of last week was tough! I was feeling a bit sore all over till Thursday. I hope you enjoy this workout for Monday. It is always best to start your week strong! Remember finish stronger. Warm up: Light jog for 10 min Download gymboss on your phone! (timer) Set …

The cardio vascular workout
Health and fitness essentials There are many aspects to health and fitness, including diet, exercise, lifestyle and attitude of mind. In this article I cover one of the most important facets – the cardio-vascular workout. In particular, slow and steady cardio. I include tips and advice on safely building up a useful regime of the …
Spot reduction
How to lose fat in a certain area… Best exercises to lose belly fat…. Best exercises to lose fat around waist… Can you concentrate on my arms please, I really need to get rid of this flabby fat… As a personal trainer I get asked questions like these all the time. It often is that …